Order our Wood

Should you not receive a reply within 24hrs of submission, this means that your order was not received. Please resubmit or SMS.

Also remember to read About Our Wood before ordering.

Prices are R 1955.00 incl VAT per cubic meter(1x Load) or R 3680.00 incl VAT for 2x Loads

Firewood Order Form:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email address: *
Cell Number: *

Preferred method of contact: *

Address: *

Preferred Date of Delivery: *
Time Constraints:*
Quantity Required: *
Number bags kindling required *
at R 60/bag:

Note: kindling may only accompany load/s of firewood.
We do not deliver kindling on its own.
Do you require us to
carry and stock pile?
(+ R 150 Per 1m3, NO STAIRS) *

*If Any. Enter N/A if none.

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